This is not a sexy hire, at all. Most kids will be scratching their heads at who this guy is. A lot of what goes into recruiting is name recognition and who you’ve coached into NFL players. We saw exactly that with Jason Harris (please don’t leave Jason!

) when he said he chose CU because what Tucker has done. This guys floated around as a WR coach mostly and hasn’t been an OC in 21 years outside of his disastrous year at Vanderbilt, disastrous might be stating it lightly.
The biggest thing is does he have any cred to sell these kids? Outside of a WR coach in the NFL? Yikes. I thought Bienemy would be a bad hire but this feels even worse. This smells of desperation and really reaching on RG’s part. I know he didn’t have many options here but a NFL WR coach who hasn’t really been in college consecutively for 13 years?
I hope I’m wrong. I hope I’m wrong because I love CU and I don’t want this **** to continue. But **** man this feels like dark days are ahead, I’m afraid to witness this. If you see the transfer portal start to fill, we’re royally ****ed.