You'll need to work on your poll skills a bit. The choices need to be at least a little bit mutually exclusive.
I allowed multiple choice voting. :wink2:
I voted all three. It's best when Montana buff smacks TG's mom while she is eating a pickle.
(PG version. I respect Montana too much to make it an R rating.)
I don't.
Hint: She's not eating the pickle...
...and Montana is?
Great work 'Nik keep those interviews coming!
Also, kosher dills rule.
When do you want to interview me?
When do you want to interview me?
We'll start with these.
1.When did you start hating corn?
2.Why do you hate corn?
3.Are you familiar with corn races, if so can you describe it for those who don't know?
4.Have you ever participated in a corn race, and have you won?
3.I have know Idea what a corn race is? If I had to guess, it would be a bunch of fat people running around in overalls eating corn.
4. I have never been apart of a "corn race" I dont know what it is. But you could sign me up and I guarantee I Win!
I want Lucien, It wont let me do I need someone to do it for me?
You gotta join up to get avatars, sucka. Signatures, arcade, unlimited PMs, access to never before seen forums. Membership has it all...