Not a single home win. NOT. ONE.
I honestly don't know how you can keep a coaching staff that can't even manage to win ONE FU.CKING home game. This season has been an unmitigated disaster. Not one single thing we can point to as actual progress. Nothing but sh!t. From the first kickoff to the final game - a whole lot of SH ITTY football.
And to top it off, the braintrust that handed us this sh!t sandwich is going to ask us all to take another big bite next year.
I honestly don't know how you can keep a coaching staff that can't even manage to win ONE FU.CKING home game. This season has been an unmitigated disaster. Not one single thing we can point to as actual progress. Nothing but sh!t. From the first kickoff to the final game - a whole lot of SH ITTY football.
And to top it off, the braintrust that handed us this sh!t sandwich is going to ask us all to take another big bite next year.