I bought this jersey but accidentally got a medium instead of a large the seller ended up letting me keep this one and sending me a new one for a cheaper price. I paid 45 with 15 dollars of shipping so i will sell it for 30. its not the most authentic thing but the stitching is very shiny gold and its badass to say you have a CU jersey with that Billups and #4 on the back. Let me know if any of you guys are interested.
Edit: 15$ of the proceeds will be going to my allbuffs club membership
I bought this jersey but accidentally got a medium instead of a large the seller ended up letting me keep this one and sending me a new one for a cheaper price. I paid 45 with 15 dollars of shipping so i will sell it for 30. its not the most authentic thing but the stitching is very shiny gold and its badass to say you have a CU jersey with that Billups and #4 on the back. Let me know if any of you guys are interested.
Edit: 15$ of the proceeds will be going to my allbuffs club membership
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