The forums are an open place to exchange opinions and ideas. They are NOT a place in which to attack or abuse anyone associated with USC, anyone associated with ESPN, or any other posters on this forum or any ESPN forum.
Here are some general guidelines to ensure a positive experience and a sense of community on the forums.
1. No profanity. This includes abbreviations for curse words, inserting other symbols for certain letters of a curse word, etc. If it can be interpreted as a curse word, don't use it.
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3. No racist or sexist comments. Again, if it can be interpreted as racist or sexist, don't use it.
4. No attacks on players, coaches, administrators, etc. Constructive criticism is allowed and welcomed. Just be careful to contain it to what actually transpires on the field and not make it personal. When it goes beyond the scope of the field or the court, it's not something that should be posted.
5. No posting of gossip regarding players, coaches, administrators, etc. If you have a legitimate news tip, the contact information for the writers of this site is easy to find. Posts that have no basis in fact will be removed.
6. No attacking recruits. If a player chooses another school, that doesn't give you the right to criticize him.
7. No attacking other posters. Stick to the topic and don't allow it to become personal. If it does, you could be banned. It's fine to disagree; it's not fine to attack the other poster or make them a target for harassment just because you disagree.
8. No flaming. If your posts are done only to agonize and they don't further any discussions, the posts will be deleted and you'll be subject to being banned.
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