Hey, taco, please forget everything else that has your (not
you're) undies in a bunch, and read this carefully.
Someday you may apply for a job, and you might want to write a letter to your (not
you're) future employer.
Using the correct version of YOUR and YOU'RE is going to help you out here. And there. Trust me.
When you are talking possessive, it's "
your." Your drink, your girl, your team, your house.
When you are talking "you are" then you can shorten to "
you're" but it's a verb: You're a great guy. You're a football fan. You're excited to visit Boulder.
I'm not trying to be condescending, just pointing out that some of us can't take you seriously if you don't know the difference.
Some of us can't take you seriously either way, but that's another topic.
Next up: when to use "guys" and "guy's."