News Junkie

- Remember that sweet online show about Kansas from yesterday? It's done by a former player, and Max Vosburgh of the University Daily Kansan profiled him and his efforts.
- Colleague Andrea Adelson re-buffs you on the rule changes for 2010 as we near the season. Here are my thoughts from the spring on the most impactful changes.
- Missouri's battle cry for 2010 is "Get Money!," writes Mike DeArmond of the Kansas City Star.
- Colorado earning back the Buffalo emblem on its helmets won't be a given, reports Tom Kensler of the Denver Post.
- Texas receiver James Kirkendoll didn't catch a pass in the postseason for the Longhorns. Where did he go? The Austin American-Statesman's Alan Trubow tries to find out.
- Nebraska has launched it's full Red Out Around the World site, which was created to unite, unlike the controversy a video on the site produced earlier this summer, reports Dirk Chatelain of the Omaha World-Herald.
- Texas Tech linebacker Brian Duncan might need to work on a sack dance, writes Don Williams of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
- Kansas has lost another linebacker. Redshirt freshman Jacoby Thomas was dismissed from the team. Huldon Tharp will also miss the season with a foot injury.
- Nebraska linebacker Sean Fisher suffered a leg injury, but the severity may not be known for awhile, reports Mitch Sherman of the Omaha World-Herald. Media access to the team has been shut down until Saturday.
- File this in the good news compartment for Oklahoma: Receivers coach Jay Norvell says this year vs. last year for his unit is "night and day," reports Mike Baldwin of The Oklahoman.
- The Wiz of Odds has a look at Texas Tech's poster schedule.
- Texas A&M defensive end Ben Bass worked hard to get his second chance, and is trying to make the most of it, writes Robert Cessna of the Bryan-College Station Eagle.