News Junkie

- Texas' website takes you behind the scenes of its recent Sports Illustrated cover shoot with Sam Acho, Curtis Brown and Chykie Brown. Cool stuff. Curtis steals the show.
- Mitch Sherman of the Omaha World-Herald profiles defensive end Cameron Meredith and his magnificent mustache, which he may or may not have darkened with mascara for team photos.
- Ronnell Lewis is taking on a Chuck Norris-like folklore at Oklahoma. Fellow linebacker Travis Lewis tells Jake Trotter of the Oklahoman he was benching 225 with his pinkie on his first day at OU.
- Iowa State had to travel almost 20 miles and spend $140 in quarters to do the team's laundry, but it got done, reports Randy Peterson of the Des Moines Register.
- Is Bryce Brown worth all the drama for Kansas State? Austin Meek of the Topeka Capital-Journal examines the question with a look into the past.
- Interesting offer by Oklahoma State: $1,000 will get you a look inside the program like never before, reports Brandon Chatmon of The Oklahoman.
- Kansas' free-wheeling tight ends have been a bright spot in the Jayhawks preseason camp, writes Jayson Jenks of the Topeka Capital-Journal.
- Thursday's scrimmage was tight for Colorado's two quarterbacks, but Tyler Hansen still has a slight edge, reports B.G. Brooks on Colorado's website. Hansen had a higher completion percentage and*quarterback rating, but committed two turnovers that were returned for touchdowns.
- Missouri's T.J. Moe is stepping into a bigger role after the injury to fellow receiver Jerrell Jackson, reports Dieter Kurtenbach of the Columbia Missourian.
- Texas Tech receiver Austin Zouzalik will miss 2-4 weeks after having an emergency appendectomy, reports Don Williams of the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
- Barry Switzer eulogizes the Nebraska-Oklahoma rivalry with Jeff Latzke of the Associated Press.