L Buff
Seriously ... I know that someone asked for this in another thread (can't find it now) but apparently it was ignored. It seems like a reasonable request, and would help fill up the Keg and maybe even Folsom next week. We have several threads going on either requesting tickets or offering them ... why not consolidate them into a forum dedicated to the purpose?
Given that it should not be a "scalping thread" wherein sleazeballs with no CU loyalty try to turn a fast buck. It should be a forum wherein those who have tickets but aren't able to use them, or those who are seeking tickets can access them. I just know I'm already sick of seeing all those premium seats at the Keg empty well into the first half that are apparently held by "high rollers." While I appreciate their financial support in buying season tickets, if they're not going to show up, why not donate or offer for sale at face value in some kind of forum? I think someone mentioned that CU had some sort of forum for that purpose, but as an alum I've never been informed of it. It seems, judging from the number of threads asking for or offering tix on this board, that there is a real demand for one here.
EDIT: Oh ... and BTW ... you guys do a great job! Seriously. I for one truly appreciate it. :thumbsup:
Given that it should not be a "scalping thread" wherein sleazeballs with no CU loyalty try to turn a fast buck. It should be a forum wherein those who have tickets but aren't able to use them, or those who are seeking tickets can access them. I just know I'm already sick of seeing all those premium seats at the Keg empty well into the first half that are apparently held by "high rollers." While I appreciate their financial support in buying season tickets, if they're not going to show up, why not donate or offer for sale at face value in some kind of forum? I think someone mentioned that CU had some sort of forum for that purpose, but as an alum I've never been informed of it. It seems, judging from the number of threads asking for or offering tix on this board, that there is a real demand for one here.
EDIT: Oh ... and BTW ... you guys do a great job! Seriously. I for one truly appreciate it. :thumbsup:
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