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Mods: TDforTD recruit profiles


Literally has hundreds of dollars
Club Member
TDforTD had made a few recruit's profiles this year and as I recall his absences is by personal choice (or I do not recall any TOS violations to warrant departure). Is there a way to remove his Banned logo from the recruit profiles? It just looks bad and although it may insignificant is not the best appearance on a recruit's page.

I forgot who the recruit mods were, sorry for making a new thread. Move as necessary.
Are we going to have a parade?

I really want to be Grand Marshal.
Somebody rep this man, my gleeb gun is dry.
You need to put down that old, comfortable single-rep, and use the $20 model sitting in your closet, crated in causmaline, it has Hollywood kinda gleeb.

And yeah, I miss the nearly universal likes. It's just not the same without TD. Next, we fully resurrect Tini.
To be honest, you're one of my favorite posters TDforTD - was confused on why you got banned; welcome back. I look fwd to clicking on threads where you were the last poster and actually getting informed/updated.