Bracket Challenge
Group: Allbuffs
Link: http://allbuffsdance.mayhem.cbsspor...0ae270ce2f02b16c5a8?ttag=BPM17_cpy_invite_new
Rule Bonus: For each round, the seed number of your pick gets added to the points. So, if you correctly pick a 13 seed in round 1, you get 14 points for it (13+1), in round 2 you'd get 15 points if you select that team getting through (13+2). Trying something new this year to get away from correctly picking virtual chalk determining our winner.
Group: Allbuffs
Link: http://allbuffsdance.mayhem.cbsspor...0ae270ce2f02b16c5a8?ttag=BPM17_cpy_invite_new
Rule Bonus: For each round, the seed number of your pick gets added to the points. So, if you correctly pick a 13 seed in round 1, you get 14 points for it (13+1), in round 2 you'd get 15 points if you select that team getting through (13+2). Trying something new this year to get away from correctly picking virtual chalk determining our winner.
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