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Paid Recruiting Site Discussion - Don't be a jerk

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The level of smugness displayed by those completely reliant on others for correct info is way too high. If you want to pat yourself on the back about that, please don't do it in recruit threads or really anywhere in the recruiting forum. It is (a) disrespectful; and (b) unnecessary. Also, (c), recruiting mods won't tolerate it as we rely on those sites for a lot of what we do here. We are a site that aggregates information, so without the recruiting sites these profiles would be nothing but twitter posts by 18 year olds.

FYI, please consider supporting Adam and his staff, as Buffstampede does real good work, period. If you want to freak out about every recruit, it would probably be good for your blood pressure to know everything you should know before doing so.
You guys have taken a joke to the most extreme level possible. Everybody just stop freaking out, it'll be okay. I don't really want your insider info for free. I'm only interested in when a kid commits.
You guys have taken a joke to the most extreme level possible. Everybody just stop freaking out, it'll be okay. I don't really want your insider info for free. I'm only interested in when a kid commits.
No freak out, but please consider it a request to be polite at least. And it wasn't about wanting insider info for free even. Don't be a jerk was the main point.
No freak out, but please consider it a request to be polite at least. And it wasn't about wanting insider info for free even. Don't be a jerk was the main point.

Gotcha. Well I made a joke and was then told I was stupid and a dick. So...lol then I went into smart ass mode.
Gotcha. Well I made a joke and was then told I was stupid and a dick. So...lol then I went into smart ass mode.
I'm going to suggest a different way of looking at it.
1) Your joke didn't come off as funny or really a joke.
2) It made you look either stupid or like you were a dick.
3) continuing to be defensive about it doesn't help. I'm a dick all the time, it happens.

Now, other points:
3) I respect smart ass mode. Just don't do it in recruit threads. Even if you think I'm a dick, other mods work in here too, and more work for them means less content for you.
4) Math is hard, lazyness is better.
I'm an "anti paid recruiting site" guy. I think they can be unregulated quasi recruiting arms for schools they are affiliated with but I'm probably full of ****. I RELLY appreciate the information and hard work the guys do in the recruiting forum but readily admit I'm tempted, at times, to pay for "the insider" info on the pay sites. At the end of the day I can wait till things "go public."
I'm an "anti paid recruiting site" guy. I think they can be unregulated quasi recruiting arms for schools they are affiliated with but I'm probably full of ****. I RELLY appreciate the information and hard work the guys do in the recruiting forum but readily admit I'm tempted, at times, to pay for "the insider" info on the pay sites. At the end of the day I can wait till things "go public."
Old and busted: Pravda, The new hotness: Paid recruiting sites. I can kind of see it.
What the hell did I miss???

Nothing really. Someone told everyone we should pay for info and we would know dmitri Moore "wasn't a snub." So I said "why would we pay when you can just tell us?"

Then everyone started ****ing freaking out and calling everyone dicks and the kings of the paid for recruiting sites were screaming at us unpaid peasants and it was brimstone and hellfire and the end of the world. Then we all woke up today and it didn't really actually matter. That's my take anyways haha but I don't take anything seriously and I'm very rarely actually mad or being a dick.
Nothing really. Someone told everyone we should pay for info and we would know dmitri Moore "wasn't a snub." So I said "why would we pay when you can just tell us?"

Then everyone started ****ing freaking out and calling everyone dicks and the kings of the paid for recruiting sites were screaming at us unpaid peasants and it was brimstone and hellfire and the end of the world. Then we all woke up today and it didn't really actually matter. That's my take anyways haha but I don't take anything seriously and I'm very rarely actually mad or being a dick.
Settle down. The Rise is a very serious issue.
It's in the misfit threads, it's not nearly as interesting as Buffsrock would have you believe.

It was a slight over exaggeration to portray how stupid it all was. I thought it was totally ludicrous to begin with that everyone was so offended over something so petty.
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