I heard there was also another recruiting lunch in Windsor or Greeley after the main on in Denver. Does anyone know any details about it (if it exists)?
The recruiting Luncheon on the 7th???? I'm pretty sure thats in Windsor...Check with someone else tho
I meant Windsor, my mistake. Any ideas of who to ask?
The recruiting Luncheon on the 7th???? I'm pretty sure thats in Windsor...Check with someone else tho
Ya Valdez and the other recruiting nerds:smile2:
I believe we continue to maintain great momentum throughout the institution and with recruiting going extremely well, we are shooting for a record crowd at our Denver recruiting luncheon, hoping for 1,500 at the Adams Mark Hotel on February 7. Hope to see you there (or in Greeley that same day at a luncheon the Northern Colorado Buff Club puts on; we will feature recruiting coordinator Robert Tucker and SID Dave Plati at that one as your speakers).
I remember talk about an all buffs table at the recruiting luncheon a while back. Is that still happenning. I thought I had put my name it but I was not sure because I never heard anything else about it. Any news?
Well damn. I remember there being talk of two tables. Are the both full or was there only enough interest in one?
I think we ended up only getting one. You can always go down and sit at a random table if you want to. They sell tickets at the door. I've done that several times in the past.
I need to get some phone numbers so I can meet up with you guys at the luncheon. I would think that FC is going; I do have his number.
HF, do we have a name for our table when we check in? I am assuming it is the Allbuffs table.
Is the luncheon sold out? How much do the walk up tix cost? I left it up to my dad to by the tickets and he forgot again.