Club Member
My csewe buddy wanted to make a gentleman's wager on the game, but I insisted we make it a bit more interesting. Here are a few pics of him making good on his bet. Yesterday he was on the corner of Lincoln and Colfax from 1:00 - 3:00pm dressed in nothing but a snake skin banana hammock, some CU body paint, and ways too much gold body glitter. It just so happens that the Taste of Colorado is going on all weekend and the corner that he selected was right in the middle of the kiddy section next to all of the rides. All he was missing was a van with no windows with "Free Candy" painted on the side! Hundreds of CU fans stopped to take pictures of him, another victory for the Buffs. I love the fact that a csu alumni can't even spell Buffs correctly. Can't go to College, then go to state! GO BUFFS!!!