Leave it up to Neill Woelk to speak some sense
Leave it up to Neill Woelk to speak some sense
It is business. Woody Paige and his socialist plan to legislate this series can go pound sand.
:stupid:So I must have been living under a rock but when did Woelk come back?
Isn't it interesting how Woody doesn't cover the actual game but gets emotional about the game ending? I honestly think that the only reason this is getting any run is that the Denver media only pays attention to CU or CSU football the one week they play at the Broncos stadium. And then, only in passing.
**** 'em.
If there is a way to get out before the 6 games are over, it is attendance related, correct? Which is why Rick is offering CU fans to take extra home game tickets instead of forcing them to buy the CSU game IMO. He probably knows telling CU fans to stay away would motivate CSU to move more to make sure the attendance clause is covered, but doing this is a nice business move to try to make CU have the lowest numbers possible. I think. I hope. I hate to miss it if it is the first game because of the fact is the first game of the season and I am dying to see the Buffs play. This year it isn't an issue though, which I like. And I can skip the third game.
On the other hand, I think CU is poised to pound CSU into the sand this year and hopefully for the next 5 after this one. Best scenario if we can't get out early is to royally embarrass them for the next six years until they are more than happy to have it go away forever.
On the other hand, I think CU is poised to pound CSU into the sand this year and hopefully for the next 5 after this one. Best scenario if we can't get out early is to royally embarrass them for the next six years until they are more than happy to have it go away forever.
Folks. These are the bumps we're going to have to endure for CU to start doing what is best for CU. They are the bumps that Bohn wouldn't face.
We know the media knows nothing about CU, and Boulder and CU are their favorite punching bag. Almost none of the Denver media takes any time to research anything about CU, from recruiting, to facilities, to finances. They react on pure emotion about what they perceive to be going on.
But RG needs to hold the course to do what is right for the school. If he can get CU winning again, then everyone will come in line. I remember it was only a year ago that Kiz was blasting CSU about dropping down to FCS or dropping football... but not he is extolling their virtues.