No one with hair that perfect should be without a nickname.

Men want to be him.
Women want to be with him.
My first thought was that he should get a nickname that plays on the Warren Zevon lyrics. "Lee Ho Fook"?
Maybe "Teen Wolf"?
But with the hair being model perfect, there are a host of other possibilities.
We've got the Coen Brothers OBWAT pomade reference - "Dapper Dan".
We've got the supermodel Zoolander reference - "Blue Steel".
We need some more suggestions so we can pollify this thread and settle this burning issue.

Men want to be him.
Women want to be with him.
My first thought was that he should get a nickname that plays on the Warren Zevon lyrics. "Lee Ho Fook"?
Maybe "Teen Wolf"?
But with the hair being model perfect, there are a host of other possibilities.
We've got the Coen Brothers OBWAT pomade reference - "Dapper Dan".
We've got the supermodel Zoolander reference - "Blue Steel".
We need some more suggestions so we can pollify this thread and settle this burning issue.