Wise Old Man
I know this is a late post. But it's really just been building up in my mind. So. I was at the spring game like most of you ... and honestly . I didn't like what i saw. I mean... I love Big Hawk. He's excitable, passionate, and sees CU in a glorified and potential based view. .. Actually now i'm wondering if it's his offensive were running or if it's the OC. But it was more of the end around indirect running plays. .. When we moved Maiava to fullback i was hoping to see us stop this indirect offense. Honestly i think it is very ineffective against most talented and quick teams. .. which are numerous... I was hoping to see us pull back towards our traditional "Up the GUT" offense.(2000-2002in mind) With a talented line, vicious (now former) fullback, and OUr first big and talented back (D. Scott.) up and coming, i Thought we really had a chance to build a solid offense... I just think that the way we run things now was good as a surprise offense this last year but won't ever yield Consistant and Solid results... ... ... I dunno. Tell me what yall think about what you saw on spring day, or on our style,... but it did Not look crisp to me.... and i think the potential for this current style may be near peaking already..