'89 Player of the Year
FIFY damn it! :thumbsup:
Unfortunately, I don't think this will be the case. The cable companies will be perfectly fine with adding the Pac-12 Network to their channel lineup...any additional sports content they can add is a bonus in their minds. The problem will be getting on the basic cable tier rather than on a sports tier. That doesn't happen easily unless you have enough leverage to force the cable companies to add a channel to their basic tier or else lose several channels that are important to them. For example, if Disney decides they want to launch a new channel that shows nothing but security camera footage from EPCOT and they want to get the most money they possibly can for it, they tell the cable companies that they are going to pull ESPN from them if they don't add the EPCOT security channel to the basic tier. When they are on the basic tier, they get paid for every cable subscriber. If the NFL Network couldn't get on the basic tier with either Comcast or Time Warner, I have a hard time believing that the Pac-12 Network will be able to do it...even with the magical Larry Scott behind the scenes.The Pac12 maintaining 100% equity in the network might raise the start-up costs, but I think it could actually HELP get national distribution quicker.
The Big Ten's 51/49 split with Fox meant they got a jump-start on DirecTV (formerly a part of the same media group that owns Fox), but that relationship made it a battle to get onto Comcast, DishNetwork, etc etc.
By NOT having one distribution partner's competitors involved in the ownership, we can have open dialogue with all of the distribution channels without making it a "battleground".
Unfortunately, I don't think this will be the case. The cable companies will be perfectly fine with adding the Pac-12 Network to their channel lineup...any additional sports content they can add is a bonus in their minds. The problem will be getting on the basic cable tier rather than on a sports tier. That doesn't happen easily unless you have enough leverage to force the cable companies to add a channel to their basic tier or else lose several channels that are important to them. For example, if Disney decides they want to launch a new channel that shows nothing but security camera footage from EPCOT and they want to get the most money they possibly can for it, they tell the cable companies that they are going to pull ESPN from them if they don't add the EPCOT security channel to the basic tier. When they are on the basic tier, they get paid for every cable subscriber. If the NFL Network couldn't get on the basic tier with either Comcast or Time Warner, I have a hard time believing that the Pac-12 Network will be able to do it...even with the magical Larry Scott behind the scenes.
rward (stat geek supreme on the Rivals board) went through the public IRS records of Pac-10 members to come up with this info:
They made $25 million from Bowls, $56 million from TV, $13 million from the NCAA and $1 million from other. So if you replace $56 million with $250 million that is: $289 million or $24.08 Million per school. Of course the Bowl is dependant on how many teams make the BCS and the increase of overall bowl money. The NCAA is dependant on how many teams make the tourney and how many games they win.
So, we're looking at around $24 million per year from the conference before the Pac-12 Network even gets off the ground. Versus what we were getting from the Big 12, this is enough money to buy a Basketball/Volleyball Practice Facility type project every year... and still have an extra $5 million to play with.
Has it started yet? I just see pac-12 logo bouncing around
we're so rich i think i need a monocle...
You have to admit, it's a pretty sweet logo.
No, no, no, you guys have it all wrong. I listened to jizla on the radio this morning and all this allows us to do now is pay our bills. It's not a windfall because the AD is in so much debt they are lucky to have this money to stay afloat. An extra $13-15 million a year is not going to help CU improve because Oregon already has more money. There are no positives to take away from this deal. FACT.
Soooo close to neg repping you for listening to that assmonkey's show.
every football and men´s basketball as well as most women´s basketball games will be broadcast on one of the platforms