Okay, thanks for the correction. I did read this stuff here, but didn't see the relative dates. Although the Rivals article is only a couple of days old and the offer shows in his profile there, I guess they just have it wrong. I thought they were supposed to be good about fixing that stuff, let alone posting blatantly wrong "information." Glad I don't pay for it...
They're pretty good. Problem is that it's an NCAA violation for the schools to talk about specific prospects. Therefore, Rivals, Scout and sites like them have to rely on other sources for the offer lists. These other sources are almost always the prospect, the prospect's family member, and/or the prospect's coach. Obviously, these sources have a biased agenda of wanting the prospect to look as in-demand as possible. Some sources are honest. Some are honest, but confused about whether they really have an offer or not. And some are plain dishonest. For the most part, the offer lists are pretty accurate. The inaccuracies also go both directions. There have been a number of times I have heard a while after Signing Day that a prospect had several unreported offers, but since he was firmly committed he didn't bother telling any of the services.