gs - my question is. Once you commit to grey shirt, is that it? Can you change your mind before the start of fall ball?
A grey shirt signs a Letter of Intent (LOI) just like any other player. The decision to grey shirt (or not) can be made (or changed) any time up until fall practices start and/or the start of school in the fall.
In order to grey shirt, a player cannot practice (not once) in an official team practice (i.e. fall) and may not attend school as a full-time student (not even for one day), at a Juco or anywhere. This delays his eligibility clock from starting. The eligibility clock, once starts, expires 5 years later. (typically, players take courses at the local JC as a part time student or sometimes, they start at the University they will be attending, but on their own dime).
Can you change your mind? Sure. But this is a mutual thing between staff and kid. If the kid wants to do it, the coach may support that or talk him out of it. It's really a coaching decision. If the kid doesn't want to do it, he's sort of stuck, if the staff wants to play hard ball. In practice, usually everyone sees the light and agrees on it. In the case of our own Gerald Kough, he did not want to grey shirt, but the staff told them they needed him to as they were up against their 25 max number (i.e. they over-signed). They convinced him to do it for his own benefit (get stronger, make some money, delay his clock starting etc).
Speaking of changing your mind....
If a player greyshirts, he is no longer bound to his LOI. In other words, he can change his mind and go elsewhere (ala Kisima Jagne). So in the case of Kough, he could have opted out of his LOI and went back on the market, potentially accepting the West Point option for example.
Clarification, the player is bound to the LOI until the following semester. Meaning, that if he did not want to grey shirt, but that was the only option the staff gave him, he could not opt out of his LOI until the January period. So in effect, he'd still be sitting out the fall period, and not starting his eligibility clock.