Interesting. Thanks.
My thing is that I'm frustrated with the NCAA. The rules are often unfair to the student-athletes, so when there is a ruling that is fair (as in Del Rio's case), it looks like special treatment.
One change I would love to see is a new walk-on rule:
Allow walk-ons to be recruited. If offered a scholarship somewhere else, the player can leave without any penalty and can play immediately -- unless the current school matches the scholarship offer. If the current school offered a scholarship, the player would then have the option of staying at his current program under scholarship or transferring with the "one year residency while not playing" standard penalty.
Beyond that, I want to see 4-year scholarships. It's complete bull**** that schools only have to make a 1-year commitment to a player but the player has all sorts of penalties if he decides to change schools after the end of his 1-year scholarship contract is fulfilled. The deck is unfairly stacked. Programs want loyalty from players. Well, just like any other organization, the best (really, only) way to gain loyalty from people is to give loyalty. Make scholarships 4 years and it will be good for everyone.