My honest evaluation
Most fans - OSU
Most Historical Wins - OSU
Better Pizza - OSU - Planks and Rubinos are not on campus but damn are they good.
Will get on TV more - OSU
Football Tradition - Hard to compete with OSU
Better College Town - CU
Better College Experience -CU
Campus / Beauty in surrounding area - CU
Altitude - CU
Weather - CU
Cooler Mascot - CU - You get to run out behind a freaking Buffalo
Fan Expectations - OSU can win every game but 1 and piss off half of Columbus. You are under a constant microscope. At CU fans expectations are rising but there is much more give and take.
Not having State in your name - CU
Babe-raham Lincolns - CU
Better fan sites - CU by a long shot

Video - CU
Player Development - CU
Cooler Uniforms - CU
Stadium - Both are cool stadiums in their own way
Facilities - I really could give this one to CU at the moment. CU's facilities look cooler and newer than OSU's. Edge CU.
Staff - This might be controversial but CU's staff can begin to make this argument. In the end kids are going to need to decide which staff like better.
Academics - Depending on what you want both are very good schools
Health - I understand both programs have improved here I really don't know if I could put one above the other. CU's connections with the Health Science center may give an edge here. Generally people in Boulder understand health and are some of the fittest in the country. People in Ohio are mostly obese. Just being in Boulder can help a person pick up healthy habits.
NFL Scouts- Both teams will be watched heavily by NFL scouts. No one is going to be missed at either school. When CU has players who are good enough to go to the NFL then they go to NFL.