People laughed at me when I scoffed at that early in the season
Who's going to start in his place? Nobody else is close to ready to put up his level of production. Yeah, he was terrible tonight, but there is no one Boyle could expect would put up better numbers.
#tadballDefense showed up. Kept the game manageable. Offense failed entirely.
Speaking for myself, I only scoff at it when he gets ripped when he has a bad game.
No. Nobody on the roster can shoot except for Askia. Gordon and xj can't even make a layup In five tries
XJ hasn't been playing with any confidence all year. Stalzer is just bad. He shouldn't be getting any playing time even with Spencer out.
He has had multiple games where he was invisible
I'd sit him to prove a point. Pull your gawd damn weight or face the consequences. It's the attitude he shows lately that needs to be stopped cold.
6 points from three starters. We're gonna struggle. We've been exposed as 3 studs and 7 duds.
I'd sit him to prove a point. Pull your gawd damn weight or face the consequences. It's the attitude he shows lately that needs to be stopped cold.
Much like how Washington adjusted with some early season injuries, I expect there to be significant improvement from the team we saw tonight and the team that finishes the season. Tad is too good of a coach, and there is still too much talent on this roster, for there not to be.
Tad is a great recruiter. But there have been many games where I and many of my non-CU friends have watched CU play and we reach the conclusion that he is not a great game-day coach.
Tad is a great recruiter. But there have been many games where I and many of my non-CU friends have watched CU play and we reach the conclusion that he is not a great game-day coach.
I was only able to watch the second half today but I really question sitting both Ski and Scott around the 11-minute mark and then keeping Ski out when he got his third foul. Our offense came to a screeching halt and we were never able to recover.
This might not be a popular opinion around here, but Tad just hasn't proven to me he can adjust a gameplan on the fly and consistently out-coach his counterpart, whomever that may be on a certain day. I hope I'm wrong and he takes us dancing this year, but I haven't been overly impressed with his gameday moves overall.
May not be popular, but you're damn right!
And can people stop talking about how we'll be OK because of the "talent" we have on this roster? Where is it? I've seen short spurts from Gordon and JHop, and 1-2 possession spurts from Thomas. But nothing to feel even optimistic about. Am I missing something? Talk me off the ledge.
It's not about losing a game. We all know we're going to lose games. It's about how you look when you lose. The eyeball test. We look like a team that has exactly 2 Pac-12 level offensive players. No more. Hard to be optimistic with that.
Ryan Koenigsberg @RyanKoenigsberg 4m
Boyle: XJ has been hampered with some tendonitis in his knee.
If you bench XJ, you're probably looking at starting Dustin Thomas. Guess I dunno what you mean by attitude. Again, not a good game for him at all, but I definitely think he cares. Don't think I'd be looking at benching him, at this time. A loss to USC might change my mind
And if we don't miss like 15 layups then how do we look? It was a **** game.
You're going to miss layups. They missed a **** ton too. They shot 39%. It's about offensive weapons. Tell me ... outside of Scott and Booker, based on the entire year, not just this game, who else do you think we can count on for offense? UCLA had 6-7 legit scorers.