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'23 AZ SF Cody Williams (SIGNED to COLORADO)

Mens Basketball GIF by Pac-12 Network
Battey is / would be huge recruiter for CU. I bet Tad had Battey talk to Williams.
Tad's never been a one and done guy (with a few very selective Tad-like exceptions). He's thrived with developing player. In contrast UW has had a parade of 5 star one and dones that have not helped them accomplish anything as a team other than put guys in the NBA. I trust Tad to avoid that trap. Hopefully Williams stays for 2 years.
If Wiliams is a one and done lottery pick, it means things went really well for CU. I'm all for one and dones if it means that CU is making it to the second weekend of the Dance. If Williams is having so much fun at CU he decides to stay for year 2 and a trip to Maui that work too.

The one and dones that don't help their college programs usually slip to the second half of the first round or second round.
Tad's never been a one and done guy (with a few very selective Tad-like exceptions). He's thrived with developing player. In contrast UW has had a parade of 5 star one and dones that have not helped them accomplish anything as a team other than put guys in the NBA. I trust Tad to avoid that trap. Hopefully Williams stays for 2 years.
We also have Tad M****F**** Boyle as our head coach and not Mike Hopkins. You know who else has high 5 stars on their team? 10 of the 16 sweet 16 teams. The only omissions St. Peters( cinderella) , Arkansas (Transfer Portal Heavy and high 4 star), Texas Tech (Transfer Portal and high 4 stars), Houston (Amazing coach, system), Providence (4 starts, experienced, won an absurd amount of close games), Purdue (All 4 stars, good coach, and a top 5 pick (Ivey). Point being talent wins with good systems and coaching.

Cody Williams is a team first egoless 5 star that will fit in seamlessly with our team first culture that CU has with talented program guys such as Nique, LOB, TDS, KJ, etc. That is the perfect situation.
If Wiliams is a one and done lottery pick, it means things went really well for CU. I'm all for one and dones if it means that CU is making it to the second weekend of the Dance. If Williams is having so much fun at CU he decides to stay for year 2 and a trip to Maui that work too.

The one and dones that don't help their college programs usually slip to the second half of the first round or second round.
I was just talking to my friends. We already have tickets for Maui 2024 & really hoping he is a 2-year player. Also, is it okay to get greedy & pray for Diop?

Arizona guy who's a jerk is obviously concerned.

Can somebody with a Twitter account go in and respond to this with "And I might just point out you look like the slob sidekick from My Name is Earl before he had a Come to Jesus moment and got his **** together. Might wanna take some time off and go get your **** together, Chubbs. But we're not here being jerks, right?"

Arizona guy who's a jerk is obviously concerned.

The microwave hums as the steam begins to emit from the packet of Hamburger Helper. You can hear the faint sound of an argument through the wall of your studio apartment.

When they said Tucson was the Dirty T, you chuckled, knowing you’d do a couple years cutting your teeth here before getting the call to cover the Cardinals. Sure, it was a tough gig, but you’d be out quick…. “Good morning Phoenix….”. Hair was fuller then.

The fluorescent track light in the kitchen flickers as the green digits of the microwave count to 0:00. “Hey, at least Zona should close on a big croot today. Maybe I should send out another Big12 rumor tweet to farm some Reddit karma…”


Food’s done.

You reach for the dish towel to handle the steaming packet. A spill. “Why did that b**** take the oven mitts in the split?” you grumble to yourself.

Shuffling over to the LaZBoy in your office/room/kitchen, you recline and check your phone. Damn…. Powerball winner in California. Oh well, you didn’t expect to win anyway. Why not check something more certain? Big time recruit committing to a big time school for basketball.

Uh oh.

Arizona guy who's a jerk is obviously concerned.

Not sure why that guy has so much contempt for Tad. Sure, opposing coach, I mean, we all dislike Andy Enfield, but I dont lose sleep with what he does day to day. I look at the scores, see USC is losing, laugh and move on my merry way. Tad clearly has this guy losing sleep over what he does, its weird.
Saw this on the ESPN.com front page...must be a big deal.
Not only is his natural talent incredible, he is a great fit for Tad. Very versatile defensively, with a gross wingspan. Will probably be a secondary ball handler immediately and, assuming we keep upping the pace, will be a monster on the break
It really is a perfect storm. For God's sake, one of the first things mentioned in most scouting reports on him is "has a great left hand". It's like a lab created a player for Tad.
Its a great day to be a Buff! Welcome Mr. Williams!!!!!!

Biggest recruit since David Harrison.