after looking at some stats of ut's firts 4 games im changing my prediction.....
Scott/speedy- 160 yards
Cody- 250 yards passing
Scott/speedy- 160 yards
Cody- 250 yards passing
Texas - 37
CU - 20
In a much closer game than the score would indicate.
Here goes gang
Go Buffs
Rippin Lips....17 - 35 UT
14ers4me....17 - 45 UT
4Dem....10 - 31
66Buff....27 - 21
77buff....27 - 31 UT
96 Buff....93 - 11
Bonebuff....24 - 21
Bornabuff....10 - 38 UT
Buffalo Scott....33 - 27
Buffarino.....34 - 30
BuffInVA....24 - 41 UT
Buffman.....42 - 10
Buffsfan09....27 - 38 UT
BuffsRising....34 - 27
Buffsurveyor 17 - 34
Buffsyko....17 - 34 UT
Buffwings....21 - 42 UT
Buffwoman....30 - 28
Chandlerbuff....21 - 35 UT
Chipwich....52 - 3
Cornh8er....27 - 24
Crash Davis....29 - 33 UT
CUav8er....31 - 28
CUBuff80....23 - 21
Daah....33 - 27
Darian3Hagan....21 - 40 UT
DBT....27 - 13
DesertDawg526....28 - 27
Dionisus Buffs By forfeit
edhookem....20 - 37 UT
Fallenskye....38 - 42 UT
FChairbanks....46 - 44
FSU>Colorado....26 - 23
GoldenBuff....31 - 28
Hugegroove....37 - 31
Jimmy....17 - 31
JJBuff....31 - 27
Liver.....24 - 21
Lofasz....21 - 45 UT
Lt.Col.FrankSlade....17 - 31 UT
Manley....21 - 41 UT
Master Pain....29 - 27
NBDefektor....13 - 38 UT
Neil29fp....35 - 27
NMBuff....27 - 24
Phatmack....38 - 35
Pissbomber....13 - 89 UT
Ralphmalph....7 - 34 UT
RedDirt....27 - 24
Rralph 3000....27 - 24
Rynobuff....20 - 17
Sackman....30 - 27 OT
Skidmark....98 - 23
SkiTownUSA....20 - 42 UT
Snakey....17 - 41 UT
Spacemanspiff....31 - 25
Sparkybuffs....17 - 28 UT
Superior....77 - 3
Swish....31 - 28
Themonk....70 - 3
Valdez....34 - 24
Walrus....35 - 42 UT
Wise Old Man....6 - 56 UT
:ban: ?well well well. i know it's a sore subject, but someone had to win.
now where's that rep button....
I will say...not that it matters...Colt was beyond the LOS on the first TD....just looked at the replay after returning from Boulder....:ban: ?
I will say...not that it matters...Colt was beyond the LOS on the first TD....just looked at the replay after returning from Boulder....
Dude I love doling out rep but if I remember correctly we didn't rep last year when the Buffs lost.
Anybody else recall it that way?? Or am I just going nuts :wow:
wanted to say thanks for a fun weekend, i think most everyone I know who came up had a phenomenal ****ing time. most all of the CU fans were nice aside from the typical drunk student here or there, perfect weather, and one epic weekend.