I agree. Pretty much everything from page 3 on should be on the split thread.
Except YOUR lovely post, of course.
Shshsh! I'm keeping an illusion of total control over DBT. He thinks I'm in charge of the cookies.
Bull****. can you make a cookie eclipse?
no thank youtickle my ass
Kicking and Punting are different animals. You can't tie up extra scholarships for guys who can't win a job. If he can't compete at this level he can transfer or get injured....
That's bull****. You can't pull a kid's scholarship.
You can politely tell them they will not be seeing the field in the future and would welcome them pursuing other options. It happens quite regularly all over the country.
Considered very bad form to do so if the kid is doing what is asked of him. You see quarterbacks moved all the time to wide receiver, not told they should go sit out a year somewhere and try to get on at another school. It's just as unfair to a kicker.
And even if you can live with it, the other schools will happily and aggressively use it against any school that starts trimming the fat.
Screws recruiting pretty bad to hear that other kids were asked to leave.
Are you kidding me? Bama called and wants to argue with you.
We're not 'bama.
Agree! You gave it to them. As long as they are doing what is asked of them you can't take it away!That's bull****. You can't pull a kid's scholarship.
I agree Goodman should transfer or quit.
That's what Wyoming told him before CU took him and put him on scholarship.
If someone is not good enough to ever see the field at CU and would be better off as a football player if he transferred, the coach owes it to that kid to tell him so. I'm shocked that some of you don't know this goes on all the time in every program and/or you have a problem with it.
What do you want, a pat on the back and a juicebox while the coach lies to the kid or ignores him?
I agree you don't pull a scholarship unless the kid isn't meeting his responsibilities (bad attitude, work ethic, behavior or academic performance). But some guys should be encouraged to transfer or quit.
you have to honor the academic commitment to a kid. as hokey as it sounds and contrary to the "realism" that NCAA football is a big business, that's why they are here. that's why the U of Colorado has a team....and not the City of Boulder or a private entity in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. as long as the kid is making grades, on course to graduate, you pay for his school. that's my outlook......as an educator.
Yeah, but we all know that every faculty member hates athletics.
i attend meetings weekly where that's all we talk about. we militate endlessly on the subject. how to make CU drop football.....and in the absence of dropping, make them lose (Dan Hawkins was a sleeper cell).
What's a militate?