'89 Player of the Year
Dont take this the wrong way but if you are willing to spend $21 for a raffle ticket why not just pay $120 for the season? Good way to donate to the FB team.
Dont take this the wrong way but if you are willing to spend $21 for a raffle ticket why not just pay $120 for the season? Good way to donate to the FB team.
If that's the way someone was looking at this, I totally agree. That's good advice. Or buy a single game ticket with your $21 and be sure to see one.
I'm pretty sure that most everyone who donates to this has his/her own season tickets. I donate to this in order to support the AllBuffs community. I figure I pay so much more for membership to other sites that this isn't a big deal and it makes it so some people from our online community can get to a game (or invite friends to make new Buff fans) when they otherwise might not have been able to.
What Nik said.
It's not really about the possibility of winning the tickets. It's about allbuffs supporting the CUAD and the football program. I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea for one of the basketball guys around here to try something similar with basketball tickets. Plus, the tickets are distributed at the tailgate, which adds to the experience.
I guess my comment was more directed to the individuals than the Sackygate ticket committee. Next year I will have to stop by to check out your setup.
Here's the thing - you don't have to contribute to the tickets to enter the ticket drawing. Any allbuffs.com user is eligible. People who contribute do have a better chance of winning, but I really don't think that's their sole purpose in contributing.
It's not really about the possibility of winning the tickets.
If that's the way someone was looking at this, I totally agree. That's good advice. Or buy a single game ticket with your $21 and be sure to see one.
I'm pretty sure that most everyone who donates to this has his/her own season tickets. I donate to this in order to support the AllBuffs community. I figure I pay so much more for membership to other sites that this isn't a big deal and it makes it so some people from our online community can get to a game (or invite friends to make new Buff fans) when they otherwise might not have been able to.
Going back to the original thread that FC linked, the following have agreed to contribute:
NM Buff
F.C. (and his ginormous head)
ScottyBuff (not to be confused with ScotchBuff)
ScotchBuff (not to be confused with ScottyBuff)
Burrito Palazzo
That's 23 people. At $22 each, that will cover four season tickets at $120 each, with a little left over. The first thing I'm going to do is verify that we can get 4 tickets in section 212. Concurrent to that, I'd like to have all of these folks re-confirm that they're on board for a $22 contribution. I'll get in touch with each of you individually to get you an address to send the money to.
Thanks everybody in advance! You guys make allbuffs the best website on the interwebs!
And btw - kalbuff really should be contributing to this. I mean, really. :lol:
Update - I'll be editing this list and changing the color of the names of people who have paid to green.
FYI - please put your handle somewhere on your correspondence so I know who has paid and who has not.
Sackman - I'm in too pleaseGot three checks in today. Thanks! FYI - please put your handle somewhere on your correspondence so I know who has paid and who has not.
Sackman - I'm in too please
Pm me your address. Hurry up.
We may end up with more money than we need, though.
We'll just have to hire a "Stoudt Girl" for the tailgates with the extra money. Maybe an AllBuffs half shirt that shows off some underboob?
We'll just have to hire a "Stoudt Girl" for the tailgates with the extra money. Maybe an AllBuffs half shirt that shows off some underboob?
I recommend a bartender, but I do enjoy a good underboob.
Well, who says you can't have both?
Having both would make it hard to actually go to the game.
Having both would make it hard to actually go to the game.
You've obviously never been to a Sackygate. The booze never lasts longer than clean up time.