Curious, what is funny to you? This kid was warned, but could not control himself. The fact is, misdemeanor sex offenses usually involve 5 to 8 years probation, due to the time needed for treatment.
Treatment (Theft classes, DUI classes, Domestic Violence, Anger Management, etc) are a multi-million dollar business in every state and the judges rely on them, to prevent future victims from saying they didn't address the problem. I don't know they have proof any of it really is effective. The big problem with sexual deviates, is they usually were victims when they were young, and it's that's terribly hard to get straight in a person's mind.
Did you think this kid, having been warned once, was just going to level-off at peeking into showers? That's not how it works. Maybe not Mr Vincent, but 90% of people who do what he did, graduate to more serious and violent offenses