My favorite were all the people that were championing this as a great victory for these two women in general.
Something that has always stuck in my craw is what I percieve to be mishandling of funds that come out of my paycheck in the form of taxes whether I like it or not. What these people fail to realize is that unless they live outside of the state of Colorado, their money is paying through this broken legal system that allows any entity (in this case, the University of Colorado) that cares about its reputation to be held hostage by anyone claiming any wrong (Lisa Simpson et al) in the form of money that is going from their wallets into the bloated coffers of an insurance company in the form of raised premiums.
IMHO, the losers here are the University of Colorado community (losing money, gaining a black eye and in the case of current students, losing money to an insurance company that could be better spent on campus and faculty), taxpayers (see above), the football players (tarnished reputation) and yes, even Lisa Simpson (trading respect in some circles for money). The only winners are the lawyers in this situation, which very nearly literally makes me ill.
The only way that Lisa Simpson could make any sort of silver lining out of this case would be "put her money where her mouth is" (she claims that results are more important to her than the money) to donate a large portion of the settlement to a CU Rape Prevention Center or something similar. However, since I think that if you look at all the facts, the large motivation for Ms. Simpson seems to be money, I doubt that this will happen.
Attending CU throughout the beginnings of the scandal has taught me more effectively than anything else that you should always question what the mainstream media feeds you.
On another note, has anyone else read the book about this incident: "Buffaloed"? Its been a while since I read it, but I seem to remember that it was pretty good and got me pretty riled up. I may read it again now that this is all over.