Originally Posted by canada78 
Be honest...the real issue is your egos are getting splattered. Should have dumped more money into the program while you had the Big 12 helping you out.
No ones fault...maybe you get the Big East and you all can breath a huge sigh of relief..........then resume with the attitude.
Again...where was all this 'state pride' when TCU got the shaft ?
I am fed up with these outrageous statements by aggies, horns, frogs, cowboys, raiders and sooners.
But, let's just limit this to the State of Texas on most points:
1. aggys are dependent upon the tax payers of the State of Texas. We have always subsidized your school and your tuition to make it less than we had to pay.
2. If one goes to a public school, it doesn't make that person special or better, or more entitled, and should't have made them more arrogant, but it has, and has no basis.
3. aggy, horns, sooners, red raiders have spent years making fun of Baylor, negative recruiting us, stealing any prize recruits we tried to sign to help our football program, at every turn, if they could. Yet, we are at fault for having all those losing records?
4. So if the Big 8 comes up with an idea to expand and was helped to destroy the SWC by the two instigators, aggy and Texas, and Baylor and TT were allowed to come along for the ride with the Big 12, why does Baylor get blamed for leaving TCU, Rice, Houston, and SMU in the dust? It was the aggys and horns who were abandoning all of us, not Baylor. Just as today, they are trying to destroy the Big 12, will they blame Baylor down the road if we remain part of a BCS conference? aggys and horns abandoned TCU, get it!
5. The real problem with aggy and horn types is that they really hate the possibility of losing to Baylor. They view themselves as somehow, vastly superior human beings if they went to school there, and getting swept in Basketball, or upset in Austin in Football is so demeaning to these folks. They need to look in the mirror, and remember, they are nothing but Wards of the State, and created and supported by the Taxpayers of the St of Texas.
6. This is too long, but, I want Baylor to go on a crusade. I don't want to be selling them on common sense about the cost of travel to the Pacific Coast, or the Atlantic Coast for all those programs, the lack of study time for all the athletes, the impact of all the dollars to Waco Citizens who have equal rights to citizens in Austin or Bryan as taxpayers who need to be protected. I want all of us to pressure Ken Starr, and our Board of Directors, not to beg to be included in any new conference, but to sue these aggys into submission.
I want to sue them, bring them to their knees. I want to include The SEC, the PAC 10, no matter. I want Baylor to stand up for the citizens of the State of Texas who reside in whatever areas that are going to be negatively impacted by these egotistical blowhards that are part of aggy and Texas, and I want Baylor to file lawsuits, get injuctions against the SEC and the PAC 10. I want to see all their records of all correspondence between aggy and the SEC that have been ongoing for over a year. I want them and this into the hands of a judge, quickly.
Baylor made some bad coaching decisions that hurt us, but aggy and horns did all they could to pile on us while we were down, redicule us, laugh at us, injure our reputation to keep us down. And I know all that is fair as far as competition is concerned, but I'll be damned if we have to take them trying to make us feel guilty because they are not living up to the contracts and committment they agreed to less than a year ago.
WE are up now, and we are fighting back to a great and respectable football program. None of us should be made to feel guilty.
These wards of the state are guilty of BREACH of Contract, at the least. They must answer to our legislature and the judicial system, and more importantly, to the Citizens of Waco, and Texas in general.