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Baylor Rape HQ - (major lawsuit settled)

I'm glad to see this post. Because the folks at Baylor are saying that because they are Christian we should trust them to handle their own business and that they will do the right thing.
They remind me of the money changers Jesus threw out of the temple. I’d considered a post along the lines of “If I were in charge I’d drop the football and basketball programs.” Then I realized how much the money changers would protest. I mean, look what they finally did to Christ.
Calling yourself Christian and acting like a Christian are two completely different things, Baylor is the prime example. At some point they need to figure out that their actions don't match the label they are applying to themselves.

Baylor also prides itself on its law school. Not only does Baylor do a disservice to Christianity, but that stain also carries over into the court house, legislature, and where law is practiced.
They remind me of the money changers Jesus threw out of the temple. I’d considered a post along the lines of “If I were in charge I’d drop the football and basketball programs.” Then I realized how much the money changers would protest. I mean, look what they finally did to Christ.

At this point it seems that the rot, the moral decay, is so deeply ingrained that the only way to get it out of the athletic program would be to completely shut down football and basketball. Remove every employee from those programs, and start fresh.

Even that probably wouldn't do it though because the administration including the Board of Regents are still going to be part of the "Baylor culture." They would just hire new people to repeat the old errors.
At this point it seems that the rot, the moral decay, is so deeply ingrained that the only way to get it out of the athletic program would be to completely shut down football and basketball. Remove every employee from those programs, and start fresh.

Even that probably wouldn't do it though because the administration including the Board of Regents are still going to be part of the "Baylor culture." They would just hire new people to repeat the old errors.
The million dollar donors would nail you to the cross.
I think the genesis of my hatred of them was 2010 when they tried so desperately to weasel our spot in the PAC XII, and neg recruited against us in a disgusting manner. It's just gotten worse as they have tried to disenfranchise the many rape victims of their football team, playing coverup 'til the bitter end. Then walking away unscathed.

I hate those hypocritical douches.
I think the genesis of my hatred of them was 2010 when they tried so desperately to weasel our spot in the PAC XII, and neg recruited against us in a disgusting manner. It's just gotten worse as they have tried to disenfranchise the many rape victims of their football team, playing coverup 'til the bitter end. Then walking away unscathed.

I hate those hypocritical douches.
That's what did it for me. Before then, I didn't care much about them one way or another.
I think the genesis of my hatred of them was 2010 when they tried so desperately to weasel our spot in the PAC XII, and neg recruited against us in a disgusting manner. It's just gotten worse as they have tried to disenfranchise the many rape victims of their football team, playing coverup 'til the bitter end. Then walking away unscathed.

I hate those hypocritical douches.

I hate the fact that they contaminate one of my favorite pastimes, college sports.

I want to see them forced to deal with the disgusting thing they have become. I have two daughters and am afraid of what they represent as my girls get ever closer to going into the world of higher education then the workplace.

TO NO ONE IN PARTICULAR, WHAT THE **** is this obsession with Baylor University?

I don't reserve my anger and disgust just for Baylor. I also take every opportunity to direct it at Penn State and now Michigan State gets to join that list.
Amazing how much Matt Ruhle's team resembles Art Briles teams. I wonder way the common denominator is?
TO NO ONE IN PARTICULAR, WHAT THE **** is this obsession with Baylor University?
A crap perennial bottom feeder became an “elite” program in football and basketball. A “Christian” school with a moral high ground and obligation. Then their basketball coach covered up a murder one of his players committed, yet they didn’t skip a beat. Then their football program covers up rapes and molestations and they sweep it under the carpet. And to top it off for us, they tried to torpedo our move to the Pac claiming we were a low level school and program and that not CU but bailer should be courted for entry into the Pac. **** bailer.
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I look forward to the day that the Big 12 implodes and that so-called baptist school is left holding the bag.

Former Baylor regent Buddy Jones

Date: June 4, 2010 10:49:12 AM CDT
Subject: Baylor Alert
To: Baylor grads in the 81st Legislature:
I have a critical issue that directly affects Baylor and it is very time sensitive. The Big XII and PAC 10 are both meeting separately today. According to a recent newspaper report, the PAC 10 may well issue an invite to all the Big XII South schools to join the PAC 10 – WITH THE EXCEPTION OF BAYLOR. In our stead, the PAC 10 is rumored to substitute Colorado. In this scenario, Baylor gets left out and this would be a major, major setback for our University. Perhaps a setback of immense proportion. The mere rumor of Baylor being left behind is harmful.
We cannot let the other schools in Texas (A&M, U.T., Tech) leave the Big XII WITHOUT BAYLOR BEING INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE. Long and short – if U.T., A&M and Tech demand that any move to any other conference include ALL TEXAS BASED TEAMS from the Big XII, we are golden. We need to be in a PACKAGE DEAL!
Here’s what I am asking you to do today.
Please call the following:
1. Bill Jones – Former Chairman, A&M Board of Regents
2. Bill Powers – President, University of Texas at Austin (If unavailable ask for Nancy Brazzil, his E.A.);
3. Morris E. Foster – Chairman A&M Board of Regents of Salado, TX
4. Larry Anders – Chairman, Texas Tech Board of Regents
5. Kent Hance – Chancellor, Texas Tech
6. Dr. Mike McKinney, Chancellor, Texas A&M and
7. Colleen McHugh – Chairman, U.T. Board of Regents.
Here is the message to deliver:
• The four Texas schools in the Big XII conference have decades (if not a century) of history as being a family. The continuation of this almost sacred relationship is important to our State and to higher education in Texas.
• As the Big 10, PAC 10 and Big XII discuss re-alignment, the best possible scenario for these four schools (U.T., A&M, Tech and Baylor) is to stay in the Big XII Conference as it currently exists. That is the absolute BEST THING FOR ALL OF US – KEEP THE BIG XII INTACT.
• However, if some schools in the Big XII North feel compelled to go elsewhere (we hear rumors of Colorado, Missouri and Nebraska looking toward the Big 10), the next best scenario is to KEEP ALL SIX SCHOOLS FROM THE BIG XII SOUTH AS A PACKAGE DEAL. Do not leave Baylor out.
• There was a report today that the PAC 10 might extend an offer to invite five of the South schools to join the PAC 10 (Texas, A&M, Tech, Oklahoma and OSU). The report said Baylor would be replaced with Colorado. This is Armageddon for our University.
This would be devastating to Baylor and to the state of Texas. WE MUST STICK TOGETHER.
Baylor is superior to Colorado academically. Baylor has athletic facilities superior to Colorado. Colorado doesn’t participate in the number of sports that Baylor does. Baylor’s overall record in all collegiate sports dwarfs that of Colorado. Our football, basketball (women’s and men’s), baseball, softball, track, tennis, golf programs are vastly superior to Colorado’s. The Baptist church base extends across the country and certainly trumps the University of Colorado’s local base limited to a small town in Colorado.
• I am asking you to commit to me to keeping all six schools from the Big XII South together if we can’t keep the whole Big XII intact. BAYLOR MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE. Make it clear that when it comes to our four Texas schools, IT IS ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!!
Please DO NOT BREAK UP the history and working relationship we have nurtured over the decades.
Will you commit to including all Texas schools in any scenario that arises? Will you commit to include Baylor in any package you consider?
Please put these calls in today if at all possible. We need to stop any bleeding that this PAC 10 offer might have caused for Baylor quickly.
Many, many thanks for your assistance. This could be a pivotal moment in Baylor’s history.
Warmest regards,
From: Buddy Jones

A crap perineal bottom feeder became an “elite” program in football and basketball. A “Christian” school with a moral high ground and obligation. Then their basketball coach covered up a murder one of his players committed, yet they didn’t skip a beat. Then their football program covers up rapes and molestations and they sweep it under the carpet. And to top it off for us, they tried to torpedo our move to the Pac claiming we were a low level school and program and that not CU but bailer should be courted for entry into the Pac. **** bailer.

Perineal - from wikipedia
The perineum is the space between the anus and scrotum in the male and between the anus and the vulva in the female.[2] The perineum is the region of the body between the pubic symphysis (pubic arch) and the coccyx (tail bone), including the perineal body and surrounding structures. There is some variability in how the boundaries are defined.[3] The perianal area (peri- and anal) is a subset of the perineum.

DBT getting especially nasty on this one!
Clean Undies, thanks for the link in your post #2810. That guy was/is a lunatic, a liar, and a moron. I wasn't aware of all the anti-CU crap that went on at that time.
As a Christian I am especially angry with Baylor. Look at all the ridicule they’ve brought upon Christianity. Somehow they are justifying their actions, or inactions, to the point that they don’t fear judgement. That is the ultimate corruption. Or deception.
Great point. I think this principle should be better understood by all who claim the mantle of Christianity.
Perineal - from wikipedia

DBT getting especially nasty on this one!

Do I sense the addition of another word to the allbuffs secret language.

We have sammich, idot, UBL, and others. Is Perineal the next.

As in the Nubs fan was a perineal poster showing up each season posting his idot predictions of a championship season.