I like the Indiana "early draft" model better than Kentucky. My love loss for the Cats aside, Kentucky often attracts the absolute top high school basketball recruits that have an extremely high likelihood of being drafted in two years or less, most likely post their first year. Not every recruit of course, but more of this type of recruit than most any other program currently. Your classic 'one and done". As mentioned in a previous post, this O And D recruit may not even attend class for an entire academic year.
Indiana model is a bit different. Target the hoops athlete with strong potential of being drafted, but target a player who really does value obtaining his/her undergraduate degree. This has resulted in an accelerated graduation program catering to these high end athletes. IU emphasizes an accelerated 3 year graduation program, support network, and an alternative class program catering to this accelerated degree. This 3 year accelerated degree is completed during their stay, or immediately after. Fans of IU call it "Three and a degree".
Best recent examples are Oladipo, Guyton, and Zoeller. All three left early, but have also already reached their undergraduate degree. Not the only way to approach things, and of course not unique to IU, but a contrast from the Kentucky model where few of the early exits will gain a college degree. Of the recent early exits from IU, I believe Vonieh was the only "one and done". So even with IU, and potentially with CU in the future, it does happen.
No doubt there is a talent gap even in the upper level programs, but I prefer a recruiting focus emphasizing someone who places some significance on their education, and the history of the program. CU fits this mold, especially with Tad.