Well-Known Member
I gotta agree that this will not end well. The states will have the final word in this. State "public" Universities are funded by us, the taxpayers. I believe I read an article on here the other day about some county in Texas voting down a tax raise for education while voting for a tax increase for a new high school stadium. What do you think this proposal will lead to? The legislatures of the state determines funding for state universities, not just here, but in every state. Public "state" universities will be hung out to dry while private universities will run away, or those states where "football" comes first. I'm not sure if any of you watched the caucuses for Governor this last election cycle. Dan Maes was questioning why tax payers are funding 5 public universities within such a small vicinity of "Denver" and even went as far as mentioning eliminating a "few" state universities. In a tough economy, it is going to be impossible for any politician, repub or dem, to ask taxpayers to fund more for higher education, and thats where the money would have to come from, us the taxpayers. Whether or not you want to argue if it will come from a TV contract or not is mute. I guarantee you the state legislatures will count it in with the funds the schools are using regardless. I am not saying I am for or against this, I just know that this will not end well if it happens.
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