Maybe the school should catch on. They have exhaustively tried to get the fans to wear gold and it works for the students because they give out t-shirts at the beginning of the season. But in one single week they had more success with black than they have in multiple years of the Be Bold Wear Gold campaign.
In marketing speak this translates to GET A CLUE! Gold just aint working outside of the student section. Sometimes it is better to just go with what works.
Also note that gold does not work when it gets cold out since nobody buys gold coats. If you look at the Texas Tech pcitures post game last year with BJax being held up you notice a lot of black. Just an observation. Frankly, I thought the black and gold mix kind of looked cool.
the peppered look sucks more than a lukewarm serving of caned mashed moose assholes. i can be down with black. that is what i used to wear. right now, they want gold. i wear it. its that simple.
if you are diametrically opposed to gold, state your case to the world. start a grassroots movement. anything.
so long as we can stand as one, i could care less if we are yellow gold, black, or spraypainted with pasties on our goodies.