Ok. Now, I have no idea what happened, and I'm not looking to excuse Lee if the allegation is true, but I have a inclination both men are lying about AN aspect of the story. If I appear to be excusing Lee's actions bc he is a CU fb player, rest assured I am not. He admitted punching him, obviously that is what caused the injury but he deserves due process. Perhaps the victim felt compelled to give the police answers but nonetheless, it smells fishy.
The victim was admitted to the hospital with a fractured skull, internal brain bleeding, and claims Lee punched him 30 times... If trauma is severe enough where the skull fractures, the victim won't remember if the perpetrator punched him once or 1000 times. A fractured skull is almost guaranteed to render the victim unconscious to boot. He doesn't know how many times he was punched and I doubt the police interrogated him for an answer.
"As he was leaving Lee suddenly started yelling and then shoved him to the ground." Sorry but bs. If Lee was in a verbal altercation with the woman prior to the incident, I highly doubt anything happened suddenly. If it did, then it didn't occur when he was leaving. It would've happened when he confronted Lee... but he never said he confronted him.
If what the victim said is true, then Lee is a psycho who attacked him out of nowhere. My instinct tells me that isn't what happened. For the record, I picked up my best friends girlfriend at her house after her dad beat her. When I arrived, thoughts of kicking her dad's ass went out the window. Getting her to safety was the only thing on my mind. If this dude picked up a drunk female, talked to her boyfriend on the phone with whom she was currently in an argument (which she (undoubtedly) told him or at the very least he could ascertain from the phone call), and dropped her off at said boyfriends residence by proverbially walking her up to the door then turning around and leaving... then this dude is as stupid as he is kind. Here sweetie, I'll help you out, just let your boyfriend see me walk you up to the door so he can get mad before I leave! Nah. It doesn't excuse Carson for doing what he did, but I'm not buying it.