Yeah I know, but a lot of good it does. He certainly doesnt throw us a bone. Hell the Soth Park guys are much bigger fans. He's been so far up Corso's ass he's forgotten hos roots. I use to defend him thinkng he was just trying to stay neutral, but now I dont see him even remotely care about CU. There have been ample opportunities for him to stick up for CU while not looking like he's favoring us but he just lets the other 2 turds bash CU.
Now I have no insight on his relationship, if any, with the school on a personal note, but there sure doesnt seem like there's any loyalty left in him.
I think it's the persona that he has created on Gameday. The other two are homers through and through. He has set himself up as the straight laced go between.
Read his personal list of greatest moments (published this week):
Chris Fowler's take