Doble hoja
We're only dicks to sCUm fans becasue you are such douches. No one else has problems when they come to God's country.
We're only dicks to sCUm fans becasue you are such douches. No one else has problems when they come to God's country.
We're only dicks to sCUm fans becasue you are such douches. No one else has problems when they come to God's country.
Really? Without exaggeration, I've probably had 20 nebraska fans explain to me how "classy" their fan base is. You should try being a CU fan--you'd hear it all of the time.
We're only dicks to sCUm fans becasue you are such douches. No one else has problems when they come to God's country.
Get out much? You aren't dicks to Texas fans? You aren't dicks to Mizzou fans? Get over yourself.
After a few trips to BigTeleven-12 venues, do you honestly believe CU fans will continue to sit atop Nebraska's list of horrible fans?
If your answer is "yes", then Nebraska's first trip to Columbus will be a rude awakening. OSU/Michigan/PSU will be harder experiences than Texas and OU.
It will be mildly interesting hearing aNUs fans wax nostalgic about the good ol' days of the Big 8 when you kNUckleheads nonlinger have tradition, or size of stadium, or 10-win seasons on your side.
But I really don't care. Did you see the Buff's schedule next year? OMG. It'll be great leaving you dooshes in the rear view mirror.
Only states that completely suck ass call themselves "God's country."
Nebraska and Texas (trust me I live here).
I guess it means alot to you to get ass pounded in a different part of the country.
It is flattering to know you still care about the geography of CU's ass rapings.
You are going to miss us. You really are. Ain't that sweet.
No doubt. Regardless of how bad you guys are it's always been a game to look forward to.
I guess it means alot to you to get ass pounded in a different part of the country.
Ha. This coming from a fan of a team that received the most historic, program changing, Folsom prison cornhole pounding in the history of Fusker football at the hands of Colorado.
Maybe you get a pass BRI, plus the amount of time you spend here probably makes you a CU fan anyway. You have to admit the vast majority of unl fans are a smug, self righteous and try to convey an air of superiority.
Here's the only issue I've ever had with another NU fan. My Chief is a graduate of UNL and is a huge Husker fan as well. He constantly runs his mouth about NU and how we are going to win the Big XII and the NC every f-ing season. It's annoying in the fact that I get drug into the conversation since I'm an NU fan. Here's the difference, since he's from Nebraska I'm sure there is a different level of "fandom" that is occuring with him instead of me. I'm born and raised in Iowa, I don't have that same connection that he does. Do I love my team? Hell yes I do and I support them through thick and thin. However, I'm a realist and knew that us having a chance in hell at getting to the NC game was pretty far fetched given our weak OOC schedule. Worthless games like those don't prepare you to play Texas, OSU, Missouri, etc. It only makes you think you are better than you really are. We are a Top 25 team only until this team proves to me otherwise.
Responding to Skidmark:
I never liked those signs, that's the self-centered egotistical bull**** that I hate. If you have to put things like that over your gates then you aren't the best fans in college football. Let someone else say you're the best fans in college football and keep your mouth shut. There's a difference between confidence and arrogance IMO.
The postcard from West Lafayette, IN really sells that garden spot.
I hear Purdue has lots of hard drinking engineers. Just close your eyes, and pretend you are in Boulder.
Responding to Skidmark:
I never liked those signs, that's the self-centered egotistical bull**** that I hate. If you have to put things like that over your gates then you aren't the best fans in college football. Let someone else say you're the best fans in college football and keep your mouth shut. There's a difference between confidence and arrogance IMO.
We're only dicks to sCUm fans becasue you are such douches. No one else has problems when they come to God's country.
And your own players, that you claim you are "fans" of.
Only if they drop the balls....................jeez like that's a big deal. *insert sarcasm here*
Damnit BRI! Give me a reason not to like you (other than being a cop AND a Husker fan). You didn't take the bait, and once again earned my respect.
Between your Boss and this CorInbread troll who insist on using their Huskerdumb to agitate other fan bases, it must be hard to be a kNU pimp.
Skidmark, I'll assume the name comes from poor hygene, glad to know you are agitated:asshole:
the name comes from cleaning up sh!t stains from anus leakage on our boards.
Spill in aisle 50!!!!
Spill in aisle 50!!!!
Duh! Don't you get it? We are smug and classy when we compare ourselves to sCUm fan.
Goin' to need a bigger shovel and more sawdust.