Here is the latest on the HCGP saga per ksu
They don’t have a rollercoaster at Six Flags like the one we were on Friday. I always thought Gary Patterson was a smart guy but now I am sure he is a genius because, on very good authority, through his conduits, he was able to play KSU and tcu like a harp over the course of six hours or so. Here is what really happened:
A verbal agreement for 5 years 10 Million was reached. However, it was GP’s camp that leaked the story to several Manhattan area media outlets who, in an attempt to confirm the story, contacted GoPowderCats (as anticipated by GP’s people). GPC could not (and would not have if they did know) confirm anything. However, knowing that GP’s name was all over the fan site and other outlets as a leading candidate, GPC (Fitz) figured it had to be true and attempted to confirm through their own sources. Make no mistake, there were “Unnamed” sources that confirmed the story to Fitz but only off the record. While shaky at best, he published the story, again anticipated by GP, declaring GP had been hired by Kraut and KSU.
Here is the Genius: Fitz, being an imbecile, had been played. No coach worth a damn would publicly take a job prior to the end of the season or even risk a negotiation. Especially GP who learned from Fran how fragile a reputation can be. What Patterson accomplished in six +- hours was:
1. Let KSU establish his minimum value Nationally for any schools interested in his services (5 yrs / 10 mill) without picking up a phone
2. Let KSU notify tcu regarding his minimum compensation requirements for him to remain with tcu without GP seeming like a mercenary. BTW, tcu will no doubt match or exceed. The school is loaded. Not sure he will stay though.
3. Provide him with an excuse to back out of the verbal deal with Kraut’s people by feigning anger that KSU media violated the agreement by breaking the story before the end of the season.
It is genius because: All of the blame focuses on Fitz. Patterson hasn’t burned the KSU bridge because he didn’t blame the university (he actually blamed, potentially, other BCS programs trying to unhinge his recruiting class which is more genius.). tcu is falling all over itself apologizing to him for the fans and admin jumping to conclusions (the vault is open). And, the whole country knows the price tag for his services.
My sources say he has no interest in a “Turn Around” job and KSU is definitely that. He would rather his buddy Fran go there and do for KSU what he did for tcu and build a foundation. In three to four years Fran will be ready for a move and GP could step in.
We’ve all been used.
If true, GP is a negotiating genius the likes of which CFB has not seen....