the announcers said he went from 180 to 70 in one season... wait till next year when they hit a rough patch. that 70 will go to about 20... then to 10... then to about 3 :lol:Simplified the offense, right?:beerme:
the announcers said he went from 180 to 70 in one season... wait till next year when they hit a rough patch. that 70 will go to about 20... then to 10... then to about 3 :lol:Simplified the offense, right?:beerme:
Hal Mumme out at New Mexico St.
We need a real OC here...if Hawkins wants to run the spread, may as well have a coach who really knows it. I know it's purely a pipe dream.
Please no...that guy is a PR disaster. His version of the spread is much more like TT than say Mizzou or KU where the run is mixed in. I thought the same thing until I remembered he almost single handedly ran Kentucky into the ground with his recruiting shenanigans and then went Bubba on some Arab American players at NMSU. I have visions of him driving around Boulder in a SUV with a F*** TIBET bumper sticker....
Please no...that guy is a PR disaster. His version of the spread is much more like TT than say Mizzou or KU where the run is mixed in.
If you want to run a spread offense with a heavy run emphasis, the guy who is available out there is Chuck Long. I don't know what he would need to make, but I bet he would come if the price was right.
But I am aware it will never happen.
Really? Why?![]()
This just makes no sense at all. Why the HELL would you leave a program that you have brought to the top 10 for the WORST team in D1? I don't care how much money they're throwing at him, not worth it.
Have you ever been to Lubbock and Seattle? :lol:
This just makes no sense at all. Why the HELL would you leave a program that you have brought to the top 10 for the WORST team in D1? I don't care how much money they're throwing at him, not worth it.
I wondered about this a while back in this thread. I don't think the money can be that much different, actually. It's easier to recruit at Tech, Tech plays in a better conference, gets on TV more often, and there's no reclamation job involved. Holy Crap, UW is flat-out awful. They hit rock bottom and then pulled out a shovel and started digging. It'll take 5 years - minimum - to dig out of that hole. The one and only thing that's better about UW is it's location. Even so, I'd be very hesitant to leave a great situation in Lubbock to go to Washington.
I wondered about this a while back in this thread. I don't think the money can be that much different, actually. It's easier to recruit at Tech, Tech plays in a better conference, gets on TV more often, and there's no reclamation job involved. Holy Crap, UW is flat-out awful. They hit rock bottom and then pulled out a shovel and started digging. It'll take 5 years - minimum - to dig out of that hole. The one and only thing that's better about UW is it's location. Even so, I'd be very hesitant to leave a great situation in Lubbock to go to Washington.
IMO there are a few reasons ML might bail. He is never going to beat OU and UT in the same year, therefore he will never get to a CCG and never get a shot at a MNC at TT. At best he's third fiddle in the Big 12 S and living ina windy dust bowl of a city. He doesn't really get along with his AD and he feels unappreciated. He could go to Seattle, which is to Lubbock what Filet Mignon is to Spam. He could get paid 2MM+, live in a beautiful place, play in the Pac 10 where there is only one real competitor (U$C) on par with the OU, UT, OSU gauntlet he runs now, and recruit the talent rich west coast. ML is a west coast guy to begin with and the living in the Pac 10 is easier than the Big 12 S. Add in the open ocean access and his pirate heart is probably all a flutter as we speak.....
Chip Kelly may be named HC in waiting at OU, and Mike Belotti future AD...
What is with all this HC in waiting jazz?
Chip Kelly may be named HC in waiting at OU, and Mike Belotti future AD...
What is with all this HC in waiting jazz?
I view it as more of a recruiting tool than anything else.
I don't think there is any question that UW is a better job than Tech. Leach has ridden that horse about as far as it can go, it will never be able to recruit well enough to match talent w/ OU and UT, and probably not aTm either once they are no longer in the toilet.
UW on the other hand has a history which clearly shows they are capable of competing in the Pac 10, and they can pay. Also, I think they can attract better talent than Tech.
Tuberville is most likely out.
tuberville is most likely out.
So how do they get out of interviewing a minority candidate?
I think there's plenty of question as to whether UW is a better job than Tech. The location is far superior, there's no doubt about it. But I really don't think the money will be much different in either place. The history of UW is good, but that and a $.25 will get you a phone call to somebody who cares. As for attracting better talent, I again have to disagree. Texas and OU's scraps are better than the home-grown talent in the state of Washington. At UW, he'd have to go into California and compete against USC, UCLA, Cal, UO, ASU, in addition to CU & NU. Everybody wants a piece of the California talent, and UW is pretty low on the pecking order right now.