You guys amaze me. Please point to where he is slamming Josh Smith in this article. You guys need to develop a little bit thicker skin in my opinion.
To answer the question:
For now, though, this observation from junior Scotty McKnight – made after watching both in this summer’s 7-on-7 passing work – might be enough to pacify most Buffs fans:
"Both guys have really taken in trying to learn everything, unlike other receivers in the past. These guys are really kind of entrenched already, trying to get as much of the offense in as they can before camp.
I saw that as a pretty direct comment on JSmith's attitude and work ethic.
And I really don't think it is a matter of a "thicker skin". I am in no way offended or hurt by JSmith's departure, man doing what he thinks he needs to do. But I do think we owe him the same level of respect he is seemingly showing the program.
Standing out here, not inside the program and only privy to what has been made fully public, it seems like Josh has kept his comments to himself and has avoided badmouthing the program he is leaving. I may not like him leaving but I have to say that his approach to it, from a PR perspective, has been pretty mature. I would like to see our team and players return that in kind.