Don't Drink the Kool-Aid
Just conversation between he and Ben Garland without a reasoning. He said Army and Navy are likely to be included in the “P5” group and that AFA would also be included but all three would be in separate conferences. I have no idea if they have team sources or what, but I imagine it’s more about including all the service academies instead of just two
I don't think it is expanding into an existing P5 conference, but I imagine no matter CoVid impact, other medical issues incident to playing football, and the economics of college football, I believe if there is eventual down-sizing in college football that the service academies will continue playing at the highest level. Eventually, I think it will be a P68-72 teams then Div II. The service acadamies have the interest/appeal, need the prestige, and uncle SAM pays the bills. When you look at the CSU/NM situation, IMO, there is no reason to play the game.
When I look at those teams 5-10 years down the road, when the medical costs increase and the profit is elusive, there is no reason for these two teams to play Div I football. I'm sorry to say it, but when the financial models of many teams rely on the gate + expenses/tv paid to play favored P65 teams; the smaller schools will contract.