The point remains, though. We got caught in a facilities arms race in the Big 12 and fell hopelessly behind. A very similar arms race is starting right now in the Pac 12. We can't afford to be left behind again. It doesn't have to happen overnight, but plans need to be drawn up and work needs to begin soon. We need to be able to show recruits and boosters that we won't be left behind.
I've said this before, and I think it's still accurate - we don't need to have the absolute best facilities in the world. Boulder will sell itself to a large extent. However, we can't afford the perception that we're light years behind our competitors, either.
I've said this before, and I think it's still accurate - we don't need to have the absolute best facilities in the world. Boulder will sell itself to a large extent. However, we can't afford the perception that we're light years behind our competitors, either.