I have a feeling she will come around when her hubby gives her a bed made of cash.
Or when it's 2 degrees and snowing in Ft. Collins and she skype's with sparkles who is wearing jorts and an aloha shirt.
I have a feeling she will come around when her hubby gives her a bed made of cash.
Or when it's 2 degrees and snowing in Ft. Collins and she skype's with sparkles who is wearing jorts and an aloha shirt.
they just approved it
Don't worry, CSU will be invited to the NFL here pretty soon.where is all the $$ going to come from ?
Don't worry, CSU will be invited to the NFL here pretty soon.
One thing I just can't get my head around. What the heck was Sparkles thinking when he agreed to that buyout?
where is all the $$ going to come from ?
Don't worry, CSU will be invited to the NFL here pretty soon.
Now the ram fans want the cu-csu game on campus. Rick, tell them to eff off and end the series.
Now the ram fans want the cu-csu game on campus. Rick, tell them to eff off and end the series.
I have a lot of confidence in Rick a George. We've been held hostage in this series by the Rammies. They moaned and cried about the game being anywhere than Denver.
Count me in as one of the people that thinks we should just end this series with them. Utah is our Pac 12 rival and while it's not a big rivalry yet, that one is more of a regional game against a power conference team. If we can let that grow into a good rivalry, that would be be good for our program.
Instead of csu, What do you think of playing Kansas or a former Big 8/12 team? Or even playing a lower tier team like San Diego State, which would get us more exposure in california, where we need more recruits?
we don't need csu and they just seem so entitled and whiny all the time. Don't you get tired of hearing the, try to claim how relevant they are? Time to leave little brother at the little kids table and to focus on bigger schools and teams. Their own coach just dumped them as quickly as he could. We should break up with them and stop playing them (maybe even in basketball too?)
lets just get Nebraska to sack up and okay every year before the conference slate starts. That would be awesome. And we could tell the armies we want to play our actual rival haha
We need wins, so easiest ooc games possibleI have a lot of confidence in Rick a George. We've been held hostage in this series by the Rammies. They moaned and cried about the game being anywhere than Denver.
Count me in as one of the people that thinks we should just end this series with them. Utah is our Pac 12 rival and while it's not a big rivalry yet, that one is more of a regional game against a power conference team. If we can let that grow into a good rivalry, that would be be good for our program.
Instead of csu, What do you think of playing Kansas or a former Big 8/12 team? Or even playing a lower tier team like San Diego State, which would get us more exposure in california, where we need more recruits?
we don't need csu and they just seem so entitled and whiny all the time. Don't you get tired of hearing the, try to claim how relevant they are? Time to leave little brother at the little kids table and to focus on bigger schools and teams. Their own coach just dumped them as quickly as he could. We should break up with them and stop playing them (maybe even in basketball too?)
We have that for next year. Time to actually decide we want to play some fun OOC games again in the future. Nebraska does not really count either.We need wins, so easiest ooc games possible
Only getting 3 non-conference games really means that there is no room for the rammies in our schedule. Seriously, if they stay on the perma-schedule, that means we only actually play 2 different opponents each year. That's terrible scheduling on so many levels.
I'd like to see one walkover, one mid-level opponent, and one marquee. There should be a nod to regional diversity: it's nice for east coast, midwest, and southern Buff fans to have a game within driving difference.
For the walkover, none of this FCS or southeast, southcentral hillbilly FBS conference no one has ever heard of, but a real school with a real football team that someone has actually heard of before. I'd prefer these teams to be in real conferences, why don't we play Indiana, Vanderbilt, ISU, KU, etc? Or get 2 for 1s with some of the regional teams, Wyoming, UNM, UNLV, etc.
For the mid-level opponents, throw in some of the old B8 teams, and pick up some random out of region teams UNC (aren't/weren't they on the schedule at some point?), WVU was a great matchup, UVA would be great, BC, etc
The marque opponents are easy to pick out. I hate to say it, but NU qualifies. I wouldn't mind playing OU again on occasion. LSU, Tennessee, Michigan, FSU, Miami, etc. We are the Colorado Buffaloes, these are the teams we play in the OOC.
I hate the fact that people think we need to play all patsies all the time. That's not the CU way. Other schools may do that ****, but not us. We may never have an undefeated season, but damnit, when we go 11-1, we won't be hiring some dumb **** PR company to get us into the playoff. We will be in, because everyone will know that we played a badass schedule, kicked ass and took names.
Now about that CSU stadium. Good for them. Build it small, build it on-budget, and never expect us to play you regularly again.
They've done a pretty good job with it.
it isLooks smaller then some Texas high school stadiums.
Looks smaller then some Texas high school stadiums.