Really, DBT?? Out of all of the topics we joke about, somehow the Swim Club is the one that's sacred? I think we all recognize that Bell is a bit of an ass.
:lol: Yeah. But reading all the comments from readers is really eye opening. My daughter played on the CU club soccer team. It isn't varsity, but its a big deal. They traveled to places like Kstate and to the nationals in Phoenix. They practiced hard and gave a lot of time. The crazy thing about this whole thing is that this dip ****, Kieth Bell, cowtows himself as one of the leaders in swimming performance psychology. Then he starts a business, taking money from all of these clubs, for his and his kid's, Bridger, profit. While most of you guys kind of laugh it off, and I get that, this really insenced me. Probably because I've raised three kids who were involved in sports and I've seen this bull**** all too often.