Agree with most of this, but would you rather have Mac or Les Miles? What if Sumlin became available from A&M? I'm not there yet about Mac, but recruiting has always made me nervous about him. It needs to be consistently better for program to take next step.
BTW, F Butch Jones, he needs not ever be an option again!
1) The ReTread strategy - getting someone who failed somewhere else. i.e., Charlie Strong, post A&M Sumlin, Bob Stoops, Chuck Fairbanks
Risk: no more fire left in the belly. Best years are behind
2) The Fallen strategy - someone who got cross-wise with the law/NCAA
e.g., Pitino, Tressel, Briles
Risk: Boulder morality police non-starter
3) The Poach - moneywipping a good HC coach into Boulder. (e.g., Gundy, Patterson, Peterson).
Risk: CU's war chest not enriched by super sized network contract, 100K stadium attendance, whale benefactor, fan donor culture)
4) The Development - Grabbing an up-and-coming OC or DC. e.g. McCartney coming from Michigan or Bobo coming to CSU from UGA). Risk: Not ready to make the jump. Use CU as stepping stone.
5) The Promotion - Grabbing an up-and-comer from an FCS/P5 program. MacIntyre, Hawkins.
Risk: Not blue-blood. Recruiting dud.
6) The family tree - Promiting assistant, former assistant, player. e.g. Barnett, Neuhiesel, Embree, Chiaverini. Risk - Comfort at first, but drama that fractures fanbase when things go wrong.
CU is pretty much a 4-6 school.