It's not just NET, though. We're missing top-line wins. We have a rough road record. Our strength of record and non-con SOS isn't anything to write home about. Etc. When I do direct comparisons to the resumes of other 'bubble' teams, I get why most people looking at this have us on the outside looking in, at the moment.
However, I like that we have a near-.500 record vs Qs1/2, that we have *zero* bad losses (q3/4), and that NET in the top-30 works in our favor. We're close. We need some breaks. We need a committee that heavily favors NET above other metrics. Above all else, we need to keep winning.
BTW, I find these paragraphs from the NCAA fascinating (
"The NET is one of many resources/tools available to the committee in the selection, seeding and bracketing process. Computer models cannot accurately evaluate qualitative factors such as games missed by key players or coaches, travel difficulties and other effects of specific games.
Each committee member independently evaluates a vast amount of information during the process to make individual decisions. It is these qualitative, quantitative and subjective opinions -- developed after hours of personal observations, discussion with coaches, directors of athletics and commissioners, and review and comparison of various data -- that each individual ultimately will determine their vote on all issues related to selections, seeding and bracketing."