Club Member
If Mike Bohn said something about raising $100MM, he would probably have the smarts to already have around $75MM of that accounted for.
Interesting thing about this "double standard" you speak of. Troy Renck (DP sports writer) spoke at my Rotary club last week. He mentioned that CU is "still on their radar", but that CSU "might as well be on the moon". Yeah, we get more attention than they do, and most of it negative because they can get away with it. At least they still care.
I saw his tweet that he was speaking at a Longmont Rotary club last week. I wondered if it was yours... :lol:
So he was pretty much saying that the Post is pretty much going to ignore CSU? Because from what little I've seen of their sports reporting the last couple seasons, it honestly doesn't seem like there's much difference between the coverage they give CU and CSU.... :huh: