i'd also like to beg off on being the token, "speak for the faculty" person at AB. i realize that i've offered my opinion and sometimes inside info on these matters of my own volition much of the time.
i just want to read and post. not be the spokesperson for some unofficial perspective. i just think there are times that if someone outside your profession started telling you all about how to do your job or what it means or how it could be done better....you'd probably respond as well. i realize most people went to CU or college here and imagine that affords them insight into how a university actually works.....but that's sort of like saying because you find your gate and fly to O'Hare on a plane that you know how to fly one.
I can see why you'd want to avoid this, but speaking for myself it's good to hear your side on this. I think we're all a little quick to jump on the anti-prof bandwagon when things don't go well for athletics.