Sackman, I don't want to say, "In," to every thread because then they will keep showing up in my Subscribed threads when other people respond and it is quite unnecessary as there is nothing important to read in them. So please include all three of my balls in every drawing. Thanks!
tl;dr = in
So if I say "in" in this thread, will I be entered for tickets? :huh:
So if I say "in" in this thread, will I be entered for tickets? :huh:
Sackman, I don't want to say, "In," to every thread because then they will keep showing up in my Subscribed threads when other people respond and it is quite unnecessary as there is nothing important to read in them. So please include all three of my balls in every drawing. Thanks!
tl;dr = in
Did I win?
did you enter?
I'm in. A case of Bombay Sapphire and a 12 pack of Sawtooth for Sacky if I get selected for the furd game.
This is absolute heresy. It should be removed from existence as an insult to the Navy. And IN - even though I will go to the tailgate thread form and do it the proper way.
are south carolina fans allowed to enter? this sounds like fun!
what about those who live in south carolina and think south carolina sucks? go clempson!
Members of the 2012 U.S. Navy Blue Angels are:
- Flying Blue Angel No.1, Capt. Greg McWherter (Commander/Leader)
- Flying Blue Angel No.2, Lieutenant John Hiltz (Right Wing)
- Flying Blue Angel No.3, Capt Brandon Cordill USMC (Left Wing)
- Flying Blue Angel No.4, Major Brent Stevens USMC (Slot)
- Flying Blue Angel No.5, Lieutenant C. J. Simonsen (Lead Solo)
- Flying Blue Angel No.6, Lieutenant David Tickle (Opposing Solo)
- Flying Blue Angel No.7, Lieutenant Mark Tedrow (Advance Pilot/Narrator)
- Events Coordinator, Blue Angel No.8, Lieutenant Todd Royles
- Flying Fat Albert, M1, Captain Benjamin Blanton USMC
- Flying Fat Albert, M2, Captain John Hecker USMC
- Flying Fat Albert, M3, Captain A. J. Harrell USMC
- Maintenance Officer, Lieutenant Richard Mercado
- Flight Surgeon, Lieutenant Jason Smith
- Administrative Officer, Lieutenant Holly Taylor
- Supply Officer, Lieutenant Scott Adams
- Public Affairs Officer, Lieutenant Katie Kelly
Most of the current and ex-military Cal grads I know served in the USMC so you should talk to them first squidrack.
Oooooooooooo-Kay cuddly bear, CU has it's share of awesome NROTC grads in the USMC and USN (BP excepted ) but I don't see where any of the nasal radiators you named there are Cal grads. Are any of today's Angels "Bears "?
Oooooooooooo-Kay cuddly bear, CU has it's share of awesome NROTC grads in the USMC and USN (BP excepted ) but I don't see where any of the nasal radiators you named there are Cal grads. Are any of today's Angels "Bears "?
F*ck if I know (or care). I only wanted to see if Burrito Palazzo or the Walrus would make an appearance on this thread after my post. Also, thanks again to Sacky for the concept and ticket giveaway. Semper Fi.