Mr. Mike Bohn,
My wife & I are CU fans through and through. We met at the University of Colorado, graduated in 2006 & 2007 and were married 1 month ago at a wedding where our colors were black & gold, and our cake was a giant Ralphie cake. We've been football season ticket holders for 8 years and have supported our team on many away game trips, saving our money each year to be the best fans & supporters that we can be.
Having said that, we are downright disgusted and embarrassed of what this program has returned to us over these years. To equate it as a business anaolgy, who in their right mind would continue to buy stock in a company that embarrasses themselves in the news and flat out doesn't produce any gains over a long period of time? The line was drawn this past week when it is painfully obvious that we are not producing any gains due to the leaders at the helm, our coaching staff. Although I believe Dan Hawkins is a great human being and brings a certain spirit & energy to the program, I also do not find it conicidence that he continues to lead teams that end up taking more steps backwards than forwards. His questionable decisions & leadership have led this program to a few of the most embarrassing losses in our storied history (Montana St., Mizzou shutout, the past 2 games), and I find it painful that in 1 year somoene like Coach Steve Fairchild from CSU has done far more for their athletic program than Coach Hawkins has done in 4.
So Mr. Bohn, sometimes you have to draw the line and force a decision that is tough to be had, but also necessary for future gains. That being said, we can no longer put our monetary support in a program that cannot & will not produce results with the current leaders in place. I have seen enough football in my time to know that this is truely the case with Coach Dan Hawkins. We will indeed continue supporting the program in spirit, as our love for the University of Colorado will never die, but buying tickets, sending donations and attending games is something that we cannot do until we feel the University is committed to finding leaders that can reward our support.
Mr. & Mrs. Rraalph 3000